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这里强调的是一个措辞问题。营销人员不能居高临下地采用“我们”的视角俯视用户,理所当然地认为这些产品对他有用。正确的做法是用客户的口吻撰写,比如“How can I help you get top quality human hair”。这种用客户的口吻撰写的技巧在营销中被称为“顾客为尊”原则,主要是为了更好地与用户建立联系和沟通。 顾客为尊的原则要求营销人员在撰写广告文案、推销邮件等营销材料时,要站在客户的角度思考,关注客户的需求和利益。这样能够更好地引起客户的兴趣和共鸣,提高推销的效果。 相比之下,居高临下地使用“我们”的视角,会给用户一种自以为是、缺乏共鸣的感觉,容易引起用户的反感和拒绝。毕竟,用户最关心的是如何从产品或服务中获得价值,而不是被强调销售方的存在感。 用客户的口吻撰写营销材料有助于建立亲切、真实的形象,增强用户对品牌的信任感。与此同时,这种做法也有益于了解客户的需求和痛点,有助于优化产品和服务。 当然,这并不意味着营销人员要过度迎合客户,而是要在坚守品牌形象和推销目标的前提下,用一种真诚、友好的方式与客户进行沟通。这样的沟通方式更有可能获得客户的认可和支持,促成交易的达成。 总之,营销人员应该时刻牢记顾客为尊的原则,用客户的口吻撰写营销材料,以此来建立情感连接、增加共鸣,提高营销的效果。通过关注客户的需求和利益,真实地理解客户的痛点,并提供解决方案,营销人员才能更好地满足客户的期望,取得商业成功。

What is emphasized here is a question of wording. Marketers cannot condescend to look down on users from the perspective of "we" and take it for granted that these products are useful to him. The correct approach is to write in the tone of the customer, such as "how can I help you get top quality human hair".In the world of marketing, one of the key challenges lies in effectively communicating with customers. It's not just about what is said, but how it is said. The choice of words can make all the difference in creating a connection and catering to the needs of the consumers. One aspect that often requires careful consideration is the perspective from which the message is delivered. Gone are the days when marketers could simply assume that their products or services are inherently useful to their target audience. The modern consumer is well-informed, discerning, and expects a personalized experience. In order to meet these expectations, it is essential to adopt a customer-centric approach when crafting marketing materials. The secret lies in ditching the condescending "we" perspective and embracing the inclusive "you" and "I" tone of the customer. By placing yourself in the shoes of your potential buyers, you not only address their needs directly, but also establish a rapport and build trust. Instead of dictating what you think is best, focus on guiding your consumers towards the solutions they are seeking. For instance, let's take the example of a company selling human hair extensions. Instead of showering the users with technical jargon about the superior quality of their product, a customer-centric approach would involve understanding the customer's pain points and offering solutions. The message could be phrased as, "How can I help you get top quality human hair?" This empowers the customer, making them feel heard and acknowledged. In this scenario, the marketer empathizes with the customer's desire for high-quality hair extensions and positions themselves as a reliable guide in achieving that goal. By framing the communication in this manner, the marketer not only acknowledges the customer's needs but also offers assistance without being pushy or detached. Customer-centric marketing is rooted in the belief that the power to make informed decisions lies in the hands of the buyers. Acknowledging this fact and aligning marketing messages accordingly enhances the chances of capturing their attention and fostering long-term loyalty. It is also worth noting that the customer-centric approach extends beyond mere wording. It encompasses the entire customer journey, from initial contact to post-purchase support. By diligently considering the customer's perspective at each touchpoint, marketers can ensure consistency and resonance throughout the entire experience. In conclusion, the question of wording holds significant importance in marketing. Adopting a customer-centric approach is crucial for effectively engaging with consumers. By speaking in their tone and addressing their needs, marketers can establish a genuine connection, build trust, and ultimately deliver value. So, the next time you craft your marketing message, remember to ask yourself, "How can I help you?"


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