On Thursday, many instagram users complained about seeing some extraordinarily lengthy posts. People who are used to scrolling through their instagram feed after frequent intervals have to scroll a little longer to get to the end of the post. It turns out that there's a new glitch on instagram that allows users to post extra long images. The photo sharing app has a fixed image size and a fixed mode about how the image is displayed on the screen, but instagram cannot adjust the image size due to this error.
当天早些时候,诸如TikTok,Spotify,Pinterest之类的流行应用程序由于Facebook错误而崩溃。这再次发生在iOS上。对于开发人员而言,故障是由Facebook软件开发工具包(SDK)工具引起的。“今天早些时候,Facebook的新版本包含一项更改,该更改触发了使用Facebook iOS SDK的某些应用中的某些用户的崩溃。我们迅速发现并解决了问题。对于给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。”Facebook发言人告诉The Verge。
Earlier in the day, popular apps like tiktok, spotify and pinterest crashed due to Facebook errors. This happens again on IOS. For developers, the failure is caused by the Facebook software development kit (SDK) tool“ Earlier today, the new version of Facebook included a change that triggered the crash of some users in some apps using the Facebook IOS SDK. We quickly found and solved the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience. " A Facebook spokesman told the verge.
挑战赛作为TikTok王牌资源,同时也是TikTok独创的营销模式,覆盖了Topview、开屏、信息流、话题聚合、蓝V等流量入口,同时可以借助明星或达人,融合各类话题、贴纸、音乐等玩法,以转化为目的新的营销模式。现在已成为品牌营销不可或缺的资源,为品牌或新产品预热、 …
营销新风尚 —— instagram直播为你打开新世界的大门
直播已经变成一种时尚潮流!基本上每一个社交网络服务平台都能够直播。因为它是一种与受众人群取得联系并营造知名品牌的合理方式。大家梳理了这一份相关Instagram直播的 …