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Sensor Tower 商店情报数据显示,字节跳动旗下抖音及海外版TikTok在全球App Store和Google Play的总下载量已经突破20亿次。在达到15亿次下载量之后,该应用仅用了5个月时间就实现这一新的里程碑。

Sensor Tower store intelligence data shows that the byte beating flag and the overseas version of TikTok have exceeded 2 billion tiktok downloads in the world App Store and Google Play. After 1.5 billion downloads, it took the app only five months to reach this new milestone.

今年 季度,抖音及海外版TikTok在全球App Store和Google Play共获得3.15亿次下载,是全球下载量 高的移动应用。

虽然TikTok和海外版在世界范围内已经很受欢迎,并且一直在吸引新用户,但是今年 季度新冠状病毒(COVID-19)在世界范围内大规模爆发,促使人们通过手机购物、工作和娱乐,而TikTok和海外版也因此迎来了下载高峰。

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到目前为止,印度是该应用程序下载量 大的市场,下载量为6.11亿次,占全球下载量的30.3%。 iOS市场下载量达到1.96亿次,占全球下载量的9.7%。美国市场排名第三,下载量达到1.65亿次,占8.2%。注:Sensor的Tower数据不包括 和其他地区的第三方Android市场。

平台方面,来自Google Play的下载量超过15亿次,占比为75.5%。App Store贡献了4.95亿次下载,占24.5%。




平台方面,来自App Store的收入达到4.35亿美元,Google Play仅为2140万美元。


Tiktok and overseas TikTok entered the accelerated growth channel in 2019, but entering the 2020 Q1, the epidemic reached the hitherto unknown level in the global spread of the epidemic, which reflected the downloads, activity and application income rose sharply. The impact of the epidemic on people's lifestyle will not be reversed in the short term, and tiktok and TikTok will continue to raise the barriers of competition.