9月14日,第三方数据机构App Annie发布《2020年8月App Annie月度指数排行榜》,榜单显示,在8月 大陆热门应用中,抖音在应用下载和收入榜均列 。
Among the top 10 Chinese game downloads, the three new faces are mainly leisure games with a wide audience. It includes graffiti Knight 3D, which topped the global game download list this month, song guessing God, which won the red envelope by guessing the name of the song, and tie dye master, which simulated tie dye theme experience. In the revenue list, "through the line of fire: the king of gunfight" returned to the list. At the end of July, the online play "through the line of fire" was launched. At the same time, mobile game launched the online play characters and their voice cards in early August, trying to achieve the linkage of drama and games, successfully increasing the download and revenue.
8月全球应用下载榜中,Snack Video 入榜,连续1个月占据印度及印尼应用商店排行榜榜首。其余上榜应用与上月相比无明显变化。收入榜方面,超过半数仍被社交及长视频应用占据。其中,新进榜的Piccoma令人眼睛为之一亮,Piccoma是Kakao japan旗下网络漫画/小说平台,它提倡的是“零广告植入”和“等待就免费”的阅读模式,即使是超人气的漫画,只要用户耐心等待更新,就能免费阅读相对应的章节,若想在 时间读到就得付费。近期它也加快作品的上架速度及增加更多独家合作的内容,成功带动收入不断攀升。
8月全球游戏免费下载榜前10名中,由Voodoo的《涂鸦骑士3D版》空降冠军。玩家需根据关卡内不同赛道的设计来画出符合地形的轮胎形状,比如圆形轮胎适合平地,而爬坡则需要S型轮胎,相同玩法的《画腿攀登》也曾是今年2月的全球爆款游戏之一。其余超休闲游戏大厂也不落人后,SayGames的《来洗脑吧》、Playgendary的《扔木头高手》及Lion Studios的《水果美容院》也都上线没多久即进入前10名。值得一提的是,《扔木头高手》及《水果美容院》都融入经营建造的元素,每个关卡累积到的积分可以用来进行设备及场景的升级。
8月全球游戏收入榜前10名中,Pokémon Go蝉联榜首,一年一度的“Pokémon GO Fest”活动于7月底开跑,玩家需花费US$14.99购票入场,今年因疫情影响由实体改为线上举办,同时也带来了一些新玩法,并扩大至全球玩家都可参与,活动一路延烧至8月,持续带动收入的增长。Fate/Grand Order的5周年纪念活动,使其上升了6位,跻身收入榜第2名。Lineage M 3周年则推出新职业、新领地等活动,商城也祭出优惠,于韩国市场收入大幅提升,也因此重回收入榜中。
In the top 10 global game revenue list in August, Pok é Mon go, the annual "Pok" é "Mon go Fest" started at the end of July, and players need to spend US $14.99 to buy tickets to enter. This year, due to the impact of the epidemic, it was changed from entity to online. At the same time, it also brought some new ways to play, and it was extended to all players around the world. The activity lasted all the way to August, and continued to drive the growth of income. The fifth anniversary of fate / grand order has pushed it up six places to No. 2 on the revenue list. Lineage m launched new jobs, new territories and other activities on its 3rd anniversary, and the mall also offered discounts, which greatly increased its revenue in the Korean market, so it returned to the revenue list.