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The story of my work with the Chinese company" client"
我和 顾客的小故事
I was told by a friend that a Chinese company on IWORKU is looking for one resident in Cairo, Egypt to help them visit a target client
某 ,一位盆友跟我说,一家 企业在IWORKU上征募开罗当地人帮她们拜会目标客户。
They had been sending emails to the client but suddenly didn´t get reply. So they need a local to help them with the communication and, if possible, interview the manager or secretary of the company to show their products face to face and leave a good impression.
[偶爱ins粉丝网] https://www.oafans.com她们以前一直与另一方维持电子邮件联络,但突然之间就断掉音讯,因而期待找当地人来輔助彼此沟通交流,假如如果可以的话, 好是能上门服务拜访客户,亲自向她们展现商品文件目录,便于加重的印像。
Firstly I called the secretary of the Egyptian company called Ms: Ghada saying that I was calling in name of the Chinese company, I was their representative in Egypt in an unofficial capacity as they does not have an agent in Egypt or a branch there.
我起先和用户企业的文秘Ghada女士通了电話,告知她我是 企业的第三方埃及意味着,由于 企业在埃及沒有开始的 商和子公司。
They told me that the emails were arrived, but the director of the company was not available cos he was travailing out of the country. So they couldn´t tell me their decision of the offer. And would call me back for the interview after getting the permission of the boss.
另一方回应说早已收到了 企业的电子邮件,但因为老总已经海外外出,因此目前没法告之它们的 后决策。她会先向老总请示报告再电话通知我谈话時间。
I called her more than 2 times a week in order to get the update, finally made an appointment with Ms Ghada, it was the first week of November the third hour at noon, according to the timing of Cairo, Egypt
以后每星期我都是会打2个左右的手机去了解 新消息, 后得到和Ghada女士见面,那就是在11月的 周,开罗当地時间下午三点。
I explained to her all the product details on several points clearly showing the catalog that the Chinese company sent me. I introduced all type of electrical generators diesel, gasoline and diesel prices, capabilities and forms and colors. And explained the advantages of the products, the benefits and privileges they will get if they would collaborate with them.
谈话时,我向她展现了 顾客事前带来的商品目录,多方位地讲解了商品关键点,包含车用汽油、柴油发电机组的差异类型,其价钱、特性、款式和色调。与此同时也表述了那些商品的优点所属及其此次战略合作能为它们提供的经济效益。
Ms Ghada was really impressed by that the Chinese company could have a local representative in Cairo. She confirmed personally that they would let them know their final decision as soon as possible and would let me know if there would be any updates. I also gave her a printed memorandum of the Chinese company in which Ms. Ghada wrote her feelings about this interview. I've written a detailed report to the boss of the Chinese company attached with several images and attachments.
Ghada女士表明,能在开罗看到 企业的本地意味着让她觉得十分诧异。她同意会尽早将 后决策通告另一方,而且会告之我 新消息。除此之外,我都请她在 企业的信签纸上记录了对此次浏览的体会。这一切我还详尽统计在了发送给 企业的工作总结报告上,与此同时另附了一些相片和配件。
The beginning of the month of November of this year was the signing and entry into force of the agreement between Egypt and China, a deal in which the Chinese official currency Yuan replace the dollar as the currency for trading in Egypt market. it will make the import processes much more easier and the goods prices much more cheaper. All exchanges of customs will become much easier.
I think it is a brilliant idea to hire a local guy help with the communication with a client. He can definitely offer a big convenience because you don´t need to fly over to another country personally. A local with business skills can help you a lot using his language and cultural advantage.
我觉得聘请当地人来輔助同国外用户的交流是个非常棒的想法。他毫无疑问会给予极大的便捷,由于你无需再不远千里飞往另一个 了。一个有着商务接待专业技能的当地人,彻底能够帮你做许多事,终究他拥有天生的人文优点和语言表达优点。
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