ins买粉 调查显示:大多数美国用户不愿转投TikTok竞争对手应用

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According to a survey of 10000 users, most tiktok users of generation Z and millennials in the United States are dissatisfied with the possibility of tiktok being banned, foreign media CNET reported. 83% of the respondents did not pay special attention to potential privacy issues, so they did not consider deleting the social media video app.

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美国总统特朗普威胁要禁止TikTok,除非这款由 互联网集团字节跳动拥有的应用被一家美国公司收购。微软一直在就收购TikTok的部分或全部股权进行谈判。特朗普于上周四晚间发布行政命令,将禁止与字节跳动或其子公司进行的“所有交易”。他称该应用的广泛使用是“ 紧急状态”。该行政令在发布45天后生效。

US President trump has threatened to ban tiktok unless the app, owned by the Chinese Internet Group, is acquired by an American company. Microsoft has been negotiating to buy part or all of tiktok. Trump issued an executive order late Thursday to ban "all transactions" with the company or its subsidiaries. He called the widespread use of the app a "state of national emergency.". The executive order takes effect 45 days after it is issued.


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