TikTok's dynamic color scheme effectively caters to the constant curiosity of fashion enthusiasts, allowing them to easily uncover new trends. This platform offers a streamlined way for brands to meet the essential desires of their target audience, including convenience, speed, tailored content, and an ongoing source of fashion inspiration. With these advantageous features, fashion brands have asserted their dominance in marketing! Obtain affordable SMM services for TikTok, and purchase followers for the American version of the app.
American Eagle, a popular American denim brand, was established in the United States, and is dedicated to providing casual denim and trendy clothing for customers aged 15 to 25.
American Eagle的TikTok账号运营:
American Eagle 在 TikTok 上建立了强大的影响力,在它自然视频上积累了30 万+粉丝和 230 万个赞。
American Eagle 于19年10月入局,通过邀请许多红人来打开自己的TikTok社媒账号。红人们身着该品牌的潮流服饰,进行音乐踩点跳舞、变装跳舞的创作。该品牌用各大红人的流量来打开账号的运营,有效利用了海外红人的权重!且氛围轻松愉快,符合TikTok用户的胃口~
American Eagle发起创意活动,轻松引领潮流!
值得注意的是,该品牌在 2020 年夏季与 TikTok 巨星 Addison Rae 建立了合作伙伴关系——正好赶上开学季!尽管由于全球流行,该品牌有了新的面貌,American Eagle仍然希望在TikTok上发起一场充满活力的活动,以轻松愉快的信息引领潮流,同时提高大众对他们的新Dream和AirFlex+运动健身牛仔裤的认可度。接下来看看它是如何圆满完成这次活动的?
American Eagle推出了#InMyAEJeans Back to School的品牌标签挑战,目的是为了一个简单而有效的想法:鼓励TikTokers展示他们的创造力,同时穿上他们 喜欢的美国鹰牌牛仔裤。Addison Rae发起了一项全社区的挑战:使用American Eagle的歌曲并且制作一个#InMyAEJeans下的TikTok,这样就有机会与这位超级巨星合唱!
TikTok is at the forefront of the global fashion trend, attracting trendsetters from all over the world. It offers every fashion brand the chance to lead the global trend. The key to connecting fashion brands with global trendsetters is to provide relevant and timely content. Creativity plays a crucial role in both the business development of fashion brands and in appealing to TikTok users. Additionally, brands should utilize TikTok's celebrity traffic resources to establish a connection between the brand and celebrities. Find the most affordable SMM panel for TikTok and buy followers.