After the global epidemic spread last year, foreigners gradually changed their way of life and communication. During the isolation period, social media became their daily pastime. With the increase of the time spent at home, the demand of foreigners for household goods has also increased. In addition, the awareness of online shopping has gradually changed. They began to search for household brands in tiktok. At this time, it is very beneficial for the development of household brands!tik toktant soundcloud followers
为了执行旨在触及广泛受众并提高参与度的活动,该品牌与选定的TikTok网红合作,指导参与者如何与“品牌效应”互动。这些视频在TikTok内通过品牌接管和内送广告向印尼观众推广。为了支持该活动,#darikamarKintakun标签挑战在发现页面上被作为横幅旋转木马,也被作为热门话题标签。该活动的品牌音乐《Mood Dari Kamar》也出现在TikTok的音乐页面上。
Due to its charming brand effect, # darikamar kintakun has received more attention than the brand expected in Indonesia! Through the 60 million advertising impressions generated by the functions in brand takeover, in feed ads and discover tags, kintakun's brand tag challenge received 37000 user generated videos using brand effects, and these videos were viewed a total of 13 million times. More importantly, the user stickiness of this activity is almost twice that of the activity benchmark. If # darikamarkintakun # tag challenge is a "black box operation"!tik toktant soundcloud followers