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马云说,没有大而不倒的企业,只有好而不倒的企业。深以为然。自身不够好的企业,哪怕规模再大,也可能是一颗地雷。美国安然公司、美国通用公司、美国雷曼兄弟等企业的破产就是 好的例证。大买方固然能带来大量的业务,与此同时,更需要理性地去判断大买方是不是好买方。
健康的现金流是付款的 保障
L集团移动公司,无论从其所在的L集团体系还是其自身的出货量来看,都算是大企业,同时具有一定的融资能力可以提供一定的资金支持。但L集团移动公司采取的低于硬件成本销售的模式,对现金流的要求特别高,只有在智能手机作为入口能够带来足够的服务收入情况下,才具有可持续性。L集团移动公司因入不敷出,且发展过程中融资变得愈加困难, 终出现了资金链断裂。
L group mobile company is a large enterprise in terms of its l group system and its own shipment volume. At the same time, it has certain financing ability and can provide certain financial support. However, the mode of lower than hardware cost sales adopted by l group mobile company has particularly high requirements for cash flow. It is sustainable only when smart phones can bring sufficient service revenue as an entrance. Because l group mobile company can't make ends meet, and financing becomes more and more difficult in the process of development, the capital chain is finally broken.
判断买方资质时,需要重点评估其是否拥有健康的现金流,这是买方短期内顺利回款的 保障。
[偶爱ins粉丝网] https://www.oafans.com自然人个人担保可能是空头支票
Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi, has a famous saying that pigs can fly when standing on the tuyere. In fact, Lei Jun's premise for expressing this view is that pigs are trained pigs, flying pigs, not opportunistic pigs. Undeniably, every plate of L group system is almost at the draught of that time, for example, L group network company is on the "Internet plus" outlet, L group is on the outlet of Internet TV, L group sports and L group film industry are on the draught of entertainment, L group Mobile Corporation is on the draught of mobile phone industry. The problem is that the system of l group is too large, and the businesses of various sectors need to be closely linked in terms of financial support, but various sectors cannot fully linkage to produce the effect of "1 + 1 > 2". As a result, the l group system not only failed to dance on the tuyere, but fell heavily on the tuyere.
实际交易中,如直接交易对象为大集团中资质较弱的主体, 好能够拿到资质较好的主体提供的付款担保,或者直接调整交易对象。对于没有集团背景且资质存疑的买方, 好采用比较安全的结算方式。此为 层防护。
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