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当下有很多用户对于越南市场是非常关注的,中美贸易战展开之后,越南可以称之为 好的过渡 之一,在这里用户销售产品时不仅能够获得较高的利润,更为重要的是越南市场 产品的保有率很高,当地大众对于 产品持有认可态度,因此外贸工作展开中关注到越南市场很有必要,那么越南市场 缺什么产品呢?这是很多希望到越南发展,但尚未开拓这一地区市场的外贸人很关心的问题。
根据所销售的地区不同,要采用不同的针对营销方式,例如在欧美地区外贸企业用户营销时所采用的营销方法,前期阶段进行邮件沟通效果良好,此后通过多渠道做详细产品介绍, 终获得外贸用户,但在越南却并非如此,前期阶段用户可以通过论坛推广或者是某些网站推广的形式,将产品的当地知名度提升起来,如果用户的资金雄厚,也可以通过当地的传统媒介,例如报纸,电视等进行产品知名度提升,效果会更理想一些。
完成这些前期工作后,就可以和筛选的用户沟通了。首先要收集这一类型用户的电话,通常行业黄页网站上或者是一些外贸交易论坛中都会有某些越南用户的采购电话,将这些电话收集之后,我们可以和这一地区的用户进行深入的详谈,谈话过程中要注意3点,首先一定要把自己的产品报价交代清楚,其次产品的特点要明确, 终讲解合作中能够给该用户带来的市场利润空间问题。
针对越南市场销售产品后期阶段,用户一定要关注好长期和用户保持长期合作关系,越南市场 用户是比较稳定的,这一类型的 商通常情况下不会轻易变更外贸合作企业,所以只要精心维护这种关系,只要在初期阶段能够打开市场,后期企业所销售的这一类型产品在市场占有率就会不断提升,对于这一类型的问题外贸企业一定要认识清透彻。初期阶段销售的产品有很多企业认为品质 为重要,事实上这一点并不适合越南市场,越南市场大众购买产品时,首先看到的是价格问题,其次才是质量,因此相同类型的产品即使质量低一些,但其销售价格低廉,这一类型的产品更容易占领越南市场,因此外贸企业产品销售时,一定要关注到这一要点,此后再进行相应产品的销售。
[偶爱ins粉丝网] https://www.oafans.comFor the later stage of selling products in Vietnam market, users must pay attention to the long-term cooperative relationship with users. The agent users in Vietnam market are relatively stable. Generally, this type of agent will not easily change the foreign trade cooperative enterprise. Therefore, as long as this relationship is carefully maintained, as long as the market can be opened in the initial stage, In the later stage, the market share of this type of products sold by enterprises will continue to increase. Foreign trade enterprises must have a clear understanding of this type of problems. Many enterprises believe that quality is the most important for products sold in the initial stage. In fact, this is not suitable for the Vietnamese market. When people buy products in the Vietnamese market, they first see the problem of price, followed by quality. Therefore, even if the quality of the same type of products is lower, their sales price is low, and this type of products are easier to occupy the Vietnamese market, Therefore, when selling products, foreign trade enterprises must pay attention to this point, and then sell corresponding products.
由于越南市场和我国接壤,通过铁路运输就可以将相应的产品运输到越南,因此产品销售过程之中,这一类型的问题对于用户的影响并不是很大,资本支出相对较低,所以应对越南市场销售产品,用户可以关注到将价格设置的更低一些,目前阶段越南市场中的外贸产品类别还是较多的,但主要是来自 ,因此用户主导价格战时主要应对的是 市场的同类型其他企业,所以外贸企业在这一方面想要透彻的进行解读,并不是一件困难的事情,可以对国内销售同类产品的企业同类型茶品做详细的价格分析,列出价目表后对比自身销售的产品价格,分析出是否能够拥有更大的让利空间,并关注到后期阶段能够获得的回报,充分的分析好这一类型问题,用户则能够在了解越南市场 缺什么产品的前提下,获得更高的产品销售量。
As the Vietnamese market borders China, the corresponding products can be transported to Vietnam through railway transportation. Therefore, in the process of product sales, this type of problem does not have a great impact on users, and the capital expenditure is relatively low. Therefore, users can pay attention to setting the price lower when selling products in the Vietnamese market, At present, there are still many categories of foreign trade products in the Vietnamese market, but they are mainly from China. Therefore, the user led price war mainly deals with other enterprises of the same type in the Chinese market. Therefore, it is not difficult for foreign trade enterprises to thoroughly interpret this aspect, You can make a detailed price analysis of the same type of tea products of domestic enterprises selling similar products, list the price list, compare the prices of their own products, analyze whether they can have greater profit margin, pay attention to the returns that can be obtained in the later stage, and fully analyze this type of problems. Users can understand what products are most lacking in the Vietnamese market, Achieve higher product sales.
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