ins买粉 关于TikTok实操,你可以留意以下几个要点:购买TikTok粉丝,还有在TikTok照片上获取免费赞。

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1. 选取6-10秒的视频,容易达成完播率。等粉丝增加慢慢趋于稳定后可以把视频适当延长至15秒。

2. 努力选择粉丝较少的博主的内容转载,大号博主,也就是有上百万粉丝的博主,他们的抖音或快手视频已经被众多网友转载了很多次。如果你要转载大号博主的视频,除非你有能力做深度视频处理,避免与其他转载者的重复,否则我建议你不要转载这类账号的视频。

Attempt to select bloggers with a limited number of followers to share the content. Influencers who have amassed a significant amount of fans have already shared numerous Tiktok or Kwai videos. Unless you possess the capability to extensively edit the videos to prevent clashes with other content providers, it is recommended to refrain from sharing videos from such accounts. Instead, consider purchasing Tiktok subscribers or acquiring free likes on Tiktok images.


蓝海行动中的一名队员汇报说,有一个有50W粉丝的账号正在掉粉。流量来自for you的也越来越少。经过排查,发现注册TikTok账号时使用的Gmail收到了警告信,需要进行认证才能继续使用。尽管环境正常,视频质量也一如既往地进行了深度处理,但可能是因为TikTok账号绑定得太新了,所以没有邮件来往的记录,导致粉丝流失。此外,很多朋友反馈新注册的Gmail有时候无法注册TikTok,因此建议大家使用有过使用记录的注册账号。如果使用新注册的账号,也需要保持常规的使用记录,以免被系统判定为不活跃账户。


Additionally, a team member reported that a 50W account has been losing fans. The traffic from your account is decreasing. After investigating the reasons, we found that the Gmail mailbox linked to the TikTok account received a warning letter recently, stating that it needs to be verified before it can be used again. The performance of the account, including ladder environment and video quality, remains consistent. Therefore, the drop in followers is likely due to the fact that the TikTok account's linked mailbox is relatively new and has no previous email transactions. Furthermore, many users have reported difficulties registering TikTok with newly created Gmail accounts. Therefore, in terms of email usage, we recommend using an existing email address that has a usage history. If you do use a newly created email, make sure to maintain a normal usage record to avoid being flagged as an inactive account by the system. If you need to buy TikTok subscribers or get free likes on TikTok photos, please let us know.


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