🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 打开TikTok,你会发现有很多年轻女性都在平台上做了“SHEIN haul”(SHEIN的开箱)分享。这个话题目前已有五十多万的浏览量,参与话题的用户上传的相关视频内容基本都是面容姣好的年轻女性做SHEIN开箱和试穿的视频,并配上恰到好处的剪辑和BGM,非常吸引人。🟨🟧🟩🟦
打开TikTok,你会发现有很多年轻女性都在平台上做了“SHEIN haul”(SHEIN的开箱)分享。这个话题目前已有五十多万的浏览量,参与话题的用户上传的相关视频内容基本都是面容姣好的年轻女性做SHEIN开箱和试穿的视频,并配上恰到好处的剪辑和BGM,非常吸引人。
Addison Rae是TikTok上现象级网红,其在平台上拥有超过20亿次的点赞,粉丝数已达4600万,是TikTok上粉丝数量排名第二的KOL。她也参加了SHEIN的开箱试穿测评的话题来为SHEIN做推广。Obviously(MCN机构)的CEO Mae Karwowski说,“TikTok和SHEIN这次的推广行为是完美的联动,因为SHEIN能提供更为低廉的价格和专属折扣给消费者,在TikTok看不同博主的开箱和穿搭视频也比在Ins和Youtube上看广告图和冗长的视频要吸引人的多。”Mae还坦言,此次SHEIN找Addison Rae做推广开出了5位数的广告费。SHEIN还剑走偏锋,除了对一些头部KOL发出推广邀请外,还有一些普通至极(有账号就行)的用户参与此次话题推广,并都有自己的10%-20%的专属折扣码,这样的策略在整个营销市场可以说是闻所未闻。
Addison Rae is a phenomenal online celebrity on tiktok. It has more than 2 billion likes on the platform, with 46 million fans, ranking second in the number of fans on tiktok. She also participated in Sheen's out of the box test topic to promote sheen. Mae karwowski, CEO of observably (MCN), said, "the promotion of tiktok and sheen is a perfect linkage, because sheen can offer lower prices and exclusive discounts to consumers. It's more attractive to watch videos of different bloggers' unpacking and dressing on tiktok than to watch advertising pictures and lengthy videos on ins and Youtube." Mae also said frankly that this time she went to Addison Rae for promotion and offered a 5-digit advertising fee. In addition to the promotion invitation to some head KOLs, there are also some ordinary extreme (with account number) users to participate in this topic promotion, and they all have their own 10% - 20% exclusive discount code. Such a strategy is unheard of in the whole marketing market.
[偶爱ins粉丝网] https://www.oafans.comKaziukenas说,“英国的购物模式落后的不可思议。”但在 ,这种通过短视频带货的模式已经日趋成熟。“快时尚和TikTok很搭,因为TikTok本身的节奏就比较快,”Kaziukenas表示,“但现在越来越多人把TikTok当成政治和社会问题的热门讨论地。与我们有合作的一些人常常会问我们的产品是否符合可持续发展的标准,是否了解供应链以及员工的福利是否完善等。”因此,如果SHEIN还想让TikTok上一些注重可持续发展的博主来为其带货的话,还需要做出更多回应,因为社会目前对其的认知相对于其背后的故事而言还是太少。
Kaziukenas said, "the UK's shopping model is incredibly backward." But in China, this mode of carrying goods through short video has become increasingly mature“ Fast fashion and tiktok go hand in hand because tiktok itself has a faster pace, "kaziukenas said." but now more and more people are using tiktok as a hot topic for political and social issues. People who work with us often ask whether our products meet the standards of sustainable development, whether we understand the supply chain and whether the welfare of employees is perfect Therefore, if sheen wants some sustainable bloggers on tiktok to bring goods for it, it needs to make more responses, because the society's cognition of it is still too little compared with the story behind it.
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