🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - At present, the test has been carried out on the Android platform, and there is no specific schedule for IOS. In our opinion, even a few seconds' consideration before sharing content can play a positive role in reducing the spread of misleading information. Of course, the key is to improve the overall information discrimination of users, but this may not be overnight.🟨🟧🟩🟦
"Turn without reading" is one of the important reasons for the chaos of social networks. After all, the titles of articles are becoming more and more stirring these days. It is difficult to tell whether the titles completely state the facts without reading the contents once more. To improve that, Twitter has now started a new test. To facilitate "insightful discussion," they ask users if they want to read an article before they share it (if you've opened the article on twitter, there's no reminder). In this way, it should be able to reduce the possibility that users are only incited by the title. Although this is not mandatory, twitter believes this will help improve the online discussion environment.
[偶爱ins粉丝网] https://www.oafans.com目前该项测试已经在Android平台上展开,iOS这边暂时还没有具体的时程安排。在我们看来,在分享内容前哪怕只是多几秒的考虑,也能对减少误导信息传播起到一些积极的作用。当然更关键的还是提高用户整体的信息甄别力,但这可能就不是一朝一夕之功了。
At present, the test has been carried out on the Android platform, and there is no specific schedule for IOS. In our opinion, even a few seconds' consideration before sharing content can play a positive role in reducing the spread of misleading information. Of course, the key is to improve the overall information discrimination of users, but this may not be overnight.
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