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Unilever, the consumer goods giant, said it would stop U.S. advertising on Facebook and twitter for the rest of the year at least because of hate speech and content on the two social media platforms, a move that shows a significant escalation in the U.S. advertising industry's efforts to force technology companies to take change measures.
与此同时,据外媒The Verge报道,汽水巨头可口可乐公司宣布,自7月1日起,公司将暂停全球社交媒体平台上的所有广告,为期至少30天。这些媒体平台不仅涉及Facebook和Instagram,还包括Twitter、YouTube和其他平台。“我们将让他们知道,我们期望他们承担更大的责任感,采取更大的行动、提高透明度。”
其次,受到的影响是大量的世界级的知名企业停止在社交媒体上进行广告投放,我们看到无论是Facebook还是推特,包括 的新浪微博等类似的企业,实际上都是以广告收入作为其 核心的收入来源的,但是 近一段时间美国的矛盾冲突不断加剧,逐渐兴起了一个运动,这就是对于企业来说,禁止或者说暂停向社交媒体进行广告投放,从而推动社交媒体进一步改变其对市场的态度。通过这个事件影响,有可能会导致社交媒体的收入水平进一步下跌,Facebook和推特作为美国 主要的社交媒体,因此受到的打击将会是非常明显的,这也是其股票价格大跌的重要原因。
第三,从长期的角度来看,Facebook和推特会不会因此受到重大打击呢?我们认为不会,因为对于这些著名的 企业来说,这广告投放可以说是他们必须要做的事情,并不是因为说可口可乐非常有名,他就不需要广告投放了。消费者永远都是喜新厌旧的,如果一家公司长期没有进行广告投放的话,那么它在消费者心目中的存在感就会进一步降低,对于消费者心智的影响力会进一步弱化,这也是为什么我们看到即使是很有名的公司也会大力进行广告投放。而在这个移动互联网的时代,各种纸媒的广告投放效果无疑是非常差的,而从广告投放效果的角度来说,Facebook和推特这样的社交媒体无疑是投放效果非常好的。只要用户和消费者不放弃这些社交媒体,那么社交媒体就会在互联网时代拥有巨大的流量,这些流量就会支撑其长期的可持续发展,所以广告商可以走一时,但是不可能长期都离开社交网络,因为这是对于他们来说 为重要的平台,也是必不可少的宣传阵地,所以我们相信在 近这段时间过去之后,Facebook和推特的收入不会受到明显的巨大影响。
Third, in the long run, will Facebook and twitter be hit hard? We don't think so, because for these famous international enterprises, advertising is something they have to do. It's not because Coca Cola is very famous that they don't need advertising. Consumers always like the new and dislike the old. If a company does not launch ads for a long time, its sense of existence in the minds of consumers will be further reduced, and its influence on the minds of consumers will be further weakened. This is why we see that even very famous companies will vigorously launch ads. In this era of mobile Internet, the advertising effect of various paper media is undoubtedly very poor. From the perspective of advertising effect, social media such as Facebook and twitter are undoubtedly very good. As long as users and consumers do not give up these social media, social media will have huge traffic in the Internet era, and these traffic will support its long-term sustainable development. So advertisers can go for a while, but they can't leave the social network for a long time, because this is the most important platform for them and an indispensable propaganda position, So we don't believe that after the recent period, the revenue of Facebook and twitter will be significantly affected.
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