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据外媒The Verge报道,Facebook周四回归本源,推出了一款名为Campus的新产品,这是其主应用中专门为大学生设计的部分。Campus被设计成一个只能与学校里的同龄人互动的地方,他们可以访问一个Campus专用的News Feed,并加入与校园生活有关的Group、活动以及名为Campus Chats的群聊室。为了向最初的Facebook致敬,他们甚至可以访问"Campus目录",在那里他们可以找到其他学生并与他们交朋友。
According to the verge, a foreign media report, Facebook returned to its roots on Thursday and launched a new product called campus, which is a part of its main application specially designed for college students. Campus is designed to be a place that can only interact with peers in the school. They can visit a news feed dedicated to campus and join groups, activities and group chat rooms related to campus life. To pay homage to the original Facebook, they can even visit the "campus directory," where they can find other students and make friends with them.
为了访问Campus,学生必须提供他们的.edu电子邮件地址以及他们的毕业年份,一旦他们进入,他们将创建一个新的个人资料,专门为该部分,虽然他们通常的个人资料和封面照片将跟随他们到Campus。他们还可以选择添加或删除自己的专业、班级、家乡、宿舍和辅修专业。他们添加的信息越多,就越能找到有共同点的同学,当然,这也给Facebook提供了更多的数据,了解大学生们在学习什么,和谁聊天,从而为其广告定位决策提供参考。Campus的PM Charmaine Hung表示,团队之所以选择单独的个人资料,是因为学生们可能不想在公共资料上分享超具体的大学信息。
Campus may be a way for Facebook to try to get students and young people to stay and participate in the original Facebook app for a longer time. At the same time, it is also based on the behavior that Facebook says it has seen on the platform. Students have formed groups for their classes, dormitories and hobbies, so Facebook is simplifying the process and giving students more control over how they find each other. However, interestingly, Facebook has not established any instagram integration in the campus pilot. This is actually setting the Facebook application as the core focus of campus. If students want to find their peers, this is also an absolute requirement.
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