🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - Low content, low economic added value and low level of foreign exchange earning. The development of garlic oil, allicin and other deep and refined products has not yet formed a scale. For the majority of garlic export small and medium-sized enterprises, garlic deep-processing products with high technical content can not meet the requirements of pursuing short-term interests. At the same time, the R & D and investment of garlic deep-processing can not be realized by the human, financial and technology of small and medium-sized enterprises.🟨🟧🟩🟦
[偶爱ins粉丝网] https://www.oafans.com世界上共有98个 生产大蒜,其中种植面积在1万公顷以上的 有包括 、印度、孟加拉国、缅甸等在内的16个,占世界大蒜种植面积的90.39%;产量在10万吨以上的有包括 、印度、韩国、埃及等在内的13个 。这13个 的大蒜总产量达2346万吨,占世界大蒜总产量的94%。世界大蒜产量前三位的 都是亚洲 , 、印度、韩国这三个亚洲 的产量就占了世界大蒜总产量的86%。国大蒜的种植面积和产量分别占世界大蒜种植面积和总产量的58.43%和80.86%,均以绝对优势排在世界首位。且其单产也有较大优势,2012年 大蒜单产水平为23吨/公顷,仅次于乌兹别克斯坦的24吨/公顷和埃及的24吨/公顷。然而乌兹别克斯坦和埃及大蒜单产虽大,但其种植面积分别只有2500和12700公顷,仅占世界大蒜种植面积的1%,对世界大蒜产量的影响极小。可见,无论从种植面积、产量还是单产方面来看, 都是当之无愧的世界大蒜生产大国。
大蒜出口额前十位的 分别为 、西班牙、阿根廷、荷兰、法国、意大利、智利、美国、墨西哥、埃及,合计占世界大蒜出口总额的97.47%,合计出口量占世界大蒜总出口量的97.26%。 大蒜出口额与出口量占世界大蒜出口的比重分别为72.96%和84.25%,作为 大大蒜出口国, 的主要出口市场是印度尼西亚、美国、日本、马来西亚等 ,前十大出口国中有七个是亚洲 。西班牙、法国、意大利是欧洲传统的大蒜种植国,这三个 供应了欧洲70%以上的大蒜;美国大蒜主要出口到欧洲市场。
大蒜产地主要集中在黄淮平原一代,涉及四省,如表(3.4)所示。其中邳州被称为“江苏省白蒜生产基地”,山东金乡更是“ 大蒜之乡”。人们习惯把 大蒜分为六大产区,分别是山东金乡、山东苍山、山东莱芜、江苏邳州、河南杞县以及河南中牟。山东金乡作为 的“蒜都”,其地位不仅是因为金乡大蒜种植面积大概占黄淮平原大蒜主产区的面积的三分之一,而且金乡作为重要的大蒜交易集散地,汇集了山东、河南、安徽等主产区的大蒜出口贸易。在 上形成了“世界大蒜看 , 大蒜看金乡"的局面。山东金乡作为 的“蒜都",其地位不仅是因为金乡大蒜种植面积大概占黄淮平原大蒜主产区的面积的三分之一,而且金乡作为重要的大蒜交易集散地,汇集了山东、河南、安徽等主产区的大蒜出口贸易。
The garlic producing areas in China are mainly concentrated in the first generation of Huang Huai plain, involving four provinces, as shown in table (3.4). Pizhou is known as the "white garlic production base in Jiangsu Province", and Jinxiang in Shandong is the "hometown of garlic in China". It is customary to divide Chinese garlic into six production areas, namely Jinxiang, Cangshan, Laiwu, Pizhou, Jiangsu, Qi County, Henan and Zhongmou, Henan. As the "garlic capital" of China, Jinxiang, Shandong is not only because its garlic planting area accounts for about one-third of the main garlic producing areas in the Huang Huai plain, but also because Jinxiang, as an important garlic Trading Distribution Center, brings together the garlic export trade of the main producing areas such as Shandong, Henan and Anhui. In the world, it has formed a situation that "the world garlic looks at China and the Chinese garlic looks at Jinxiang". Jinxiang, Shandong, as China's "garlic capital" Its position is not only because Jinxiang's garlic planting area accounts for about one-third of the main garlic producing areas in the Huang Huai plain, but also because Jinxiang, as an important garlic Trading Distribution Center, brings together the garlic export trade of the main producing areas such as Shandong, Henan and Anhui.
易型出口企业数量增加很快。规模较小的大蒜出口企业在出口贸易过程中追求短期利益 大化,易盲目跟风,不利于市场秩序的维护。在山东金乡等大蒜主产区正在探索“企业+基地+农户’’的生产管理模式,从大蒜生产上着手,保证出口大蒜的供给;龙头企业带动加企业协会组织,把原本分散的大蒜企业规范起来,达到规模效应。
我国大蒜出口企业的出口附加值低、利润空间小主要表现在大蒜出口企业出口产品结构不合理、技术投入不足这两个个方面。 大蒜企业主要以保鲜大蒜和干大蒜为主要出口产品,加工工艺简单,科技
Low content, low economic added value and low level of foreign exchange earning. The development of garlic oil, allicin and other deep and refined products has not yet formed a scale. For the majority of garlic export small and medium-sized enterprises, garlic deep-processing products with high technical content can not meet the requirements of pursuing short-term interests. At the same time, the R & D and investment of garlic deep-processing can not be realized by the human, financial and technology of small and medium-sized enterprises.
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