🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 2:将视频上传至Kapwing Studio- 偶爱ins粉丝网- ins刷粉丝|ins买粉丝|ins 买 粉|ins 买粉|ig 买粉丝|ins涨粉|facebook 买粉丝|facebook粉丝购买|fb点赞|facebook主页赞 自助刷粉平台,轻松增粉🟨🟧🟩🟦
2:将视频上传到Kapwing Studio
首先,您需要在YouTube上找到想要的视频。如果您使用的是PC,请右键单击YouTube视频以复制URL,或使用浏览器顶部的URL。找到要下载的视频后,右键单击窗口顶部的URL,然后选择“复制”。现在您可以将其上传到Kapwing Studio。如果您使用的是YouTube移动应用,则可以通过单击“共享”图标(看起来像箭头),然后选择“复制链接”来复制视频的URL。
First, you need to find the video you want on YouTube. If you are using a PC, right-click the YouTube video to copy the URL, or use the URL at the top of your browser. When you find the video you want to download, right-click the URL at the top of the window and select copy. Now you can upload it to kapwing studio. If you are using a YouTube mobile app, you can copy the URL of the video by clicking the share icon (which looks like an arrow) and then selecting copy link.
2:将视频上传至Kapwing Studio
复制YouTube链接后,转到http://Kapwing.com,注册账号然后单击“新建项目”,然后点击:start with studio开始”。将YouTube视频链接粘贴到解析框中,解析完成之后这里可以对视频进行简单的处理!处理完视频就可以直接保存在本地相册,就可以直接上传到TIKTOK
After copying the YouTube link, go to http://Kapwing.com , register your account, and then click "new project", and then click "start with studio". Paste the YouTube video link into the parsing box. After parsing, you can simply process the video here! After processing, the video can be directly saved in the local album and uploaded to tiktok
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